Gut and hormone health connection for women.

Midlife hormonal shifts, especially during perimenopause, can disrupt the delicate balance of the gut microbiome. This can impact digestion, nutrient absorption, and overall gut health. This hormonal connection is often overlooked, and here at Meadow Hill we consider it a primary consideration when addressing gut health of women.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are valuable tools for optimizing gut health. By stimulating specific acupuncture points, our practitioners work to harmonize the body’s energy flow and address any imbalances that may contribute to gut issues. Acupuncture can support the gut and also work to balance hormones.

Functional medicine looks at the underlying causes of gut disturbances. Often, hormonal changes can impact gut motility, the gut- brain axis, and the immune system. A collaborative approach to restore hormone balance in tandem with gut support addresses not only the hormonal causes, but also the digestive symptoms such as bloating, gas, distention and irregular bowel movements.

Our approach involves creating a customized treatment plan, often combining acupuncture, functional medicine, Chinese herbal medicine and other interventions. Whether we focus on acupuncture or tailored nutritional strategies, we aim to provide truly holistic solutions that are unique to each woman in midlife.

For midlife women seeking a comprehensive approach to gut health, Meadow Hill Wellness offers a personalized approach with acupuncture and functional medicine.

Contact us to schedule a consultation to transform your gut health!


Natural hormone solutions during perimenopause